At our MW Standards

we believe that discipline management is about more than just reprimanding students for their behavior. We call it “Keeping it 100” because we are always striving to be authentic and build genuine relationships with the children we work with.

One important aspect of successful discipline management is “tag teaming” instruction. As educational consultants, it’s not just our job to discipline the students ourselves – we work closely with teachers to ensure that they are equipped to handle disciplinary situations on their own. We ask teachers for their input and are always brutally honest with them and the students. Consistency and fairness are key.

Our approach to discipline management also includes identifying areas of development for each student. Rather than focusing solely on their mistakes, we strive to highlight their strengths and help them grow in areas where they may be struggling. Our aim is never to make a student feel bad – our ultimate goal is always to make them feel good about themselves and their potential.

In our experience, fostering positive relationships between parents, students, and teachers is critical to successful discipline management. We work to connect with parents and encourage teachers to do the same, ensuring that everyone is on the same page when it comes to expectations and approaches to discipline.

While we prefer to work with staff members who are open to discipline and growth, we do recognize that termination may sometimes be necessary for those who are unwilling to accept feedback or make necessary changes. At the end of the day, our primary focus is on the well-being and growth of the students we work with. By building positive relationships, identifying strengths, and fostering an environment of growth, we believe we can make a real difference in the lives of the children we serve.

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